What we do
Transport and Scour
- Erodibility and scour rate assessments
- Sand wave mobility studies
- Subsea structure scour assessments
- Mobile span dynamic morphology
- VIV of pipelines on erodible seabeds
- Scour assessments
- Seabed mobility, sand wave and trench backfill assessment and modelling
- Deeply embedded pipelines
- Flexible concrete and frond mats
- Rock berm permeability and stability
Structure and Pipeline Fluid/Soil Interaction
- Finite Element Modelling
- Structure-soil-fluid interaction modelling
- Dynamic stability analysis
- Pipeline scour/self-burial and stability modelling and assessment
- Development of novel models for cable response under seismic-induced seabed liquefaction
- Identification and characterisation of marine biota
- Subsea pipelines, umbilical and cables
- Subsea structures, jacket and CGS foundations
- Piles and bridge piers
- Offshore windfarms and tidal arrays
Physical and Numerical Modelling
- Scoping, execution and interpretation of physical model tests
- Scaling of model tests to correctly predict prototype behaviour
- Interpretation and analysis of field data
- CFD modelling of fluid flow around subsea structures and pipelines
- FE modelling of pipeline response
- Structural reliability modelling and Monte Carlo simulation