Specialists in Hydrodynamics,
Seabeds and Structures


Designing Solutions for the
Marine Renewable and
Marine Aquaculture

We are a boutique engineering consultancy with a strong focus on offshore renewable energy

Project Highlights

AOE specalise in coming up with novel and innovative solutions to challenging offshore engineering problems. Having been integrally involved in developing new design guidance where none previously existed, we find solutions where the existing industry codes are being blindly applied beyond their bounds of validity. These case studies show some of our diversity of expertise across hydrodynamics, pipe-seabed interaction, bethnic ecology, metocean and coastal sedimentology.

OWF Array and Export cables shown to be stable using COREstab Method

Marine growth is a bigger challenge for subsea cables

OWF Array and Export cables shown to be stable using STABLEpipe Method

Seabed morphodynamics (mobile sandwaves and megaripples)

OWF Array and Export cables seismic liquefaction risks